Friday, January 3, 2014

Chevron once again…so many memories!

They always say if it was in style once in your life you should not wear it again but that doesn't mean you can't decorate with it again!

Oh, how many of our grandma's loved to crochet those chevron blankets.  My grandma made me a bright yellow one before she died when I was only 7.  Over the years I forgot about the one that she made that adorned her couch at the farmhouse.

Just this past week, my uncle, my dad's only brother passed away and we found among his possessions that blanket!  It was like finding gold.   I am a believer in fate and as it turns out just a few weeks prior I had all of our old family slides turned into photos for my parents for Christmas….and among those pictures was the chevron blanket.

Here is the blanket on the couch with Grandma and Grandpa Thoen and my brother Lance
 our dog Bridget.
Bless all of their souls.

The blanket in my home with a "new" pillow 
(by the looks of the previous photo we know where my pillow obsession came from!)

No matter how old we get the comfort we get from the love of our parents and grandparents never goes away.  This blanket gives me much love and warmth on these cold winter days.
Thanks Grandma……love you!