Sunday, July 1, 2012

The most amazing thing....

I heard a thought on this today.....


Mini Pecan Pies

I've never been a baker, but for Father's Day decided to make mini pecan pies since both my husband and my dad love their pecan pie. 
I found this recipe in celebraTORI by Tori Spelling....I know Tori Spelling...but really an amazing, beautiful book.  Here is how I adapted it:

Use 5" pie tins (available at cooking shops or online...helps to have a daughter living in Minneapolis for these things!)
I used Pillsbury Pie Crusts, I was able to get 3 mini pie crusts out of
one regular size crust.    Or make your own! Recipe make approx. 6 mini pies.

2 1/4 cups small pecan halves
1/3 cup butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
3 eggs
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tbsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Toast pecan halves for 8 to 12 minutes
Let cool completely and then chop
Melt butter in a sauce pan, remove from heat and add
sugars and salt with a whisk until combined.  
Beat in eggs, then corn syrup and vanilla, heat saucepan over low heat,
stir with whisk until it is hot and shiny, approx 6 minutes, remove
from heat and stir in pecans.

Lightly grease pie tins, create crust and fill with pecan mixture.
Bake pies at 350 degrees until center is set, but soft when moved gently, about 25-30 minutes.
Cool and Enjoy!